Asset Finance

What is it?

Asset finance is a facility where an asset financier takes a fixed charge over a specific asset or assets to provide funding into your business. The amount of funding will depend on the asset in question, its residual value and the ease in which a finance company could sell it on. Asset finance can be used to buy new assets or even to refinance existing ones:-


Asset finance can be used to buy new assets or even to refinance existing ones:

New assets

This is used for the purchase of new assets into the business – it may be a new piece of engineering equipment, a fleet of vehicles or even an oce fit out. A company can pay for it’s asset(s) over a period of time


This is effectively a loan into the business that can be used for all manner of things. The lender will take a charge over existing assets in the business as collateral for the loan.

The benefits


Who we work with

A Selection of our  strategic finance partners


What does it Cost?

Costs for asset finance are usually fixed monthly instalments over an agreed period of time, often up to 60 months but for certain assets, can go up to 84 months. They can also include a balloon (a one o payment at the end of an agreement) – this is used to keep monthly costs down and the balloon is based on the expected value of the asset at the end of the finance. The fixed instalments will be based on an interest rate which can vary wildly based on two main things.

Find out how we can help?

Providing bespoke, collaborative and expert funding advisory to business owners throughout the United Kingdom